Meet Mary

Mary is a successful entrepreneur who has been running her business based on referrals and social media.  Mary really didn’t have an online presence through a functional website. 

Mary’s Query 

At one point, Mary did obtain a URL which she had owned for years.  When she decided it was time to build a website, she thought she would be able to use the URL and the antiquated hosting technology that it came with to develop that site.  Unfortunately, she ended up with a website built on outdated technology, which was too slow and resource-intensive.  In fact, it would time out just attempting to log in to it.  Mary knew she needed something better to serve her clients, but wasn’t sure how to go about it on her own, so she called the Tech Fixer. 

Enter The Tech Fixer

When Mary contacted me about updating her site, she already had  a vision for what she wanted her website to look like, including the copy and necessary designs.  The layout was mostly good, but the outdated tech it was built on rendered It useless.  My task was to figure out a way to either migrate her existing website layout to a new cPanel or rebuild it completely from scratch using WordPress to make it functional. 

The Magic Happens Here

My first step was to contact the customer support for her hosting company, and after a long discussion on what they could support I determined the best route for Mary’s website was for me to rebuild it from scratch.  I started out with her existing design and rebuilt her website on my local server where I could test it for efficiency.  When I completed the website and obtained her approval for the final product, I then was able to migrate it to its new home on an updated cPanel.  Mary was very happy with the final product and now has a beautiful and functional website presence for her business. 

Screen shot of Mary's website

May I help you?

In this day and age, it is not enough just to have a website and URL.  Today’s users expect instant gratification and results.  Your site must be a place where potential clients can quickly and efficiently get the information and services you provide.  This is how you will turn them into lifelong customers.  The challenge is keeping up with the ever-changing technology of website platforms and plugins and keeping your site running at top efficiency.  That is where I come in.  Schedule your free consultation call today to see how we can make your website serve your business better.

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