The Beginning

It all began when I was 12……. Ok, not really, I don’t remember, but I always had more sense of purpose and drive than my peers growing up. I always strove for more and to do my best.
I grew up on a dairy farm. There is NO work as hard as baling hay in 90℉ or hotter weather in the middle of July. If you want to experience truly backbreaking work, try it. I learned a very good work ethic from my dad and grandpa. I was always out working with them. Don’t tell my mom, but they even let me chew tobacco with them when I was around 9. Farmers are very DIY. I learned to not give up and grab whatever was around to fix things. Sticks, baling twine, and duct tape might not look pretty but it got the job done. By the time I reached high school, I continued with this can-do-attitude.

My School Years

I proved in high school chemistry the gas laws don’t always hold true. As a matter of fact, I was the youngest hired as a lab technician at a research lab. I was only a junior in high school. I was recruited by the Pentagon to finish high school with them in a special program. It was the biggest fight I ever had with my parents.They refused to let me go which was probably a good thing. I graduated with honors in high school and college. I should’ve been content. I went to school, got good grades, got a good job … yet I was unfulfilled. Does this sound familiar or am I just weird? Don’t tell me the answer.

My Searching Years

Time holds still for no one. The years didn’t stop or wait for me to figure my life out. In the meantime, the earth continued spinning around the sun. Not only was I music teacher, a polymer researcher, and a chemical engineering student but I also dabbled in real estate investing, became a Realtor, sold insurance, sold Amway, and began a family. I never felt like I fit in anywhere. My husband and I decided to homeschool our children. I stopped working at an outside job and started working at home as an educator.

The Ultimate DIYer

That word is in the urban dictionary so it must be real. There is an unforeseen side effect of homeschooling. You begin to get an ‘I can do anything’ attitude. Need a new dishwasher? No problem, I can install one. The automatic garage door opener broke? I found a YouTube video, I can replace it. The motor on the new dishwasher went out? I’m sure there is a YouTube video on how to install a new motor. Want to learn to knit? I taught myself, I can show you and I am a published knitter in a magazine …you get the idea… Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and I love homeschooling but after 15 years I still felt like I was searching for where I fit in this world. I was searching for my legacy.

The Search Continues


I began to study everything! As a result, I had shiny object syndrome. I was sure if I bought this, or listened to this webinar, everything would be perfect. It never was. Our bank account was seriously suffering. Our debt was piling up. My kids are so independent they could work on school on their own. After studying so many paths and none of them working out, I had a serious case of paralysis by analysis. I doubted everything. I looked at myself as a failure and didn’t think I would ever thrive anywhere.
As a result, I was looking at getting a job.
However, the thought of having to work with a schedule and under someone else’s direction made me feel sick to my stomach. I have enjoyed 15 years of freedom choosing my own calendar and schedule. I didn’t want to leave my kids for long periods of time. But I needed to do something.

My Home Business Year 

Playing the bagpipes for a Cleveland Brown’s halftime show.


 A bagpipe competition rescued me from my doldrums and launched me into a life I LOVE!
Like all great stories, something weird must occur to throw the main character off their path and onto a completely unknown one.
A dear bagpiping friend moved to Pittsburgh. His family asked if they could spend the night at our house because the competition was close. In order to sleep later since they wouldn’t need to drive all the way from Pittsburgh really early in the morning. I was whining to his wife Cindy before dinner about considering a job. Cindy looked at me and said, “Have you thought of becoming a virtual assistant? You need to call Kathy.” Those 2 lines have completely changed my life’s course. I was so afraid of failing another venture again. Everything I tried never worked out. Everything works for everybody else but me … I was so leery of calling this Kathy person but Cindy convinced me to just try.

[bctt tweet=”The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. Oprah Winfrey ” username=”@VAKateWiley”]


So What Happened Next?

Join me on my adventure! Next, I will tell you how I got started creating my thrilling life as an Expert Virtual Assistant and member of Kathy’s tribe.
Intrigued by the idea of becoming a Virtual Assistant and all the freedom and flexibility that comes with it? Check out Kathy’s website at Expert VA training (this is my affiliate link and I would receive some compensation but that does not affect my recommendation. I recommend Kathy to anyone seeking to grow/start an Expert VA business). 
Live Epically,

14 Responses

    1. Thank you for the comment, Julie! It’s so amazing how many of us share similar stories. I love hearing them.

  1. All of the Julie’s love you today. I love hearing your stories and I am so excited that you found this great opportunity. I know you are great at it!

    1. Yay for all the Julies! Thank you for the love. I really enjoy what I’m doing.

  2. Totally can relate to your comment, “There is an unforeseen side effect of homeschooling. You begin to get an ‘I can do anything’ attitude.” I am so glad you stepped out and found a career you are enjoying, and I know with your “can do anything” attitude, you will be successful! You’re intelligence has always impressed me!

    1. Thank you, Clara! It is amazing how homeschooling can give that attitude to so many of us.

    1. Thank you, Jacqui! It was difficult to write it but I just finished an amazing bible study called Rooted with my church. A couple lessons were about sharing your life’s story because someone needs to hear it. It helps to think of the bigger picture but it is still uncomfortable lol.

  3. Kate, you are such an inspiration for women everywhere. Thank you for sharing your story, and for including me in it. I am honored.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I wouldn’t be on this adventure if it wasn’t for you. I am honored to be your student. You are amazing!